London and Southern England

The original plan was to go from Israel to India, but in this bizarre world of airfare, it was more affordable for us to fly to England first! So we made the best of it and planned out a two week layover in the UK!

Going from Tel Aviv to London was definitely a weather shock, but a welcomed one. It felt so cozy to be in the chilled air and see Christmas decorations. We spent our first day wandering all over the city by foot. It was exhausting! We hit up a ton of the major sights: London bridge, the tower of London, St. Paul's cathedral, West Minister Abbey and more that I can't remember.

The second day we visited Hampstead Heath park, which I believe is one of the largest parks in Europe. After spending so much time in huge cities I like being surrounded by nature. The park was enormous and super relaxing. Afterwards we had burritos of lunch and went to the British Museum. Free and filled with artifacts from around the world. Worth checking out.

George Orwell lived in one of the houses on the right!
We booked a "Tour of England" while in London. It was definitely a wham bam thank you ma'am kind of deal. I've never done a tour and while it would be awesome to rent a car to explore, this was a great way to see a lot in little time.

The first stop was Stonehenge. It was pretty freaking cool. Our bus was the first to arrive so we had the whole place to ourselves! I felt lucky to be there on such a beautiful day.

From Stonehenge we went to Bath. We had less than two hours to spend, so we just wandered a lot and found food. I think this is the perfect time of year to come to England because of the holidays. It was cold out on this day, but the little towns we saw were all decked out for the season. Bath was having it's Christmas market so I enjoyed a cup of mulled wine and a scotch egg. Scotch eggs are the best! Bath was adorable. I look forward to renting a car here some day and driving more throughout the Cotswold region.

After Bath we went to Stratford Upon Avon! It was so cool! It's the town that Shakespeare grew up in and returned to as an adult. We all had a tour of the school he attended (it's still a school!) and then we all randomly had champagne and scones with cream.

We also saw the house he was born and raised in! It was fun and a nice way to end a long day of traveling. The town was lit with Christmas lights and we arrived back to London around 8:30 PM. This tour really made me want to come back to England some day.
